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OECD & EUHA to co-host a virtual event on building resilient healthcare systems in Europe

DATE February 22nd, 2023

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and EUHA will co-host the event “Ready for the next crisis – Building resilient healthcare systems in Europe”. Panellists from different European organisations, including EUHA, will discuss the implications of a health system reform to build resilient healthcare systems.

Circle U. interested in the voice of univeresity hospitals: EUHA as a key panellist at the Week for the Future of Higher Education and Research

DATE February 21st, 2023

As an alliance of 10 leading university hospitals, EUHA is an important stakeholder in promoting excellence and innovation in healthcare education and research. For this reason, EUHA participated as a key panellist at the session on “Future Opportunities in Research Collaboration in the Context of the European Universities Alliance” organised by Circle U.

EUHA adopts the Nursing Mission Statement

DATE February 20th, 2023

EUHA recently adopted the Nursing Mission Statement, which advocates for nursing as an attractive profession and academic discipline. The statement, developed by the Nursing Network, will support EUHA in developing unique expertise to improve the quality of nursing care, increase the profession’s attractiveness, encourage staff retention, and help drive the development of nursing careers in Europe.

EUHA invited to the “Unleashing data in digital health; launching H20 Observatories” event

DATE January 25th, 2023

EUHA is proud that Peter Gocke (Charité) joined the roundtable on “Patient-centred partnerships: bringing the European Health Data Space to life” at the H2O-organised event. As the EUHA Digital Health and Data Network coordinator, Peter Gocke highlighted the importance of data sharing to provide high-quality care and research and the recent publication of a EUHA Statement on the European Health Data Space.

EUHA is ready to help unlock the potential of the European Health Data Space 

DATE January 19th, 2023

EUHA has released a consensus standpoint, written up by the Digital Health and Data Network (DHDN) and the Policy Working Group, on the essential aspects of the European Health Data Space (EHDS). All EUHA members joined the statement that emphasises how EUHA hospitals are ready to help unlock the potential of the EHDS.

EUHA invited to participate in the Risk Management Forum in Arezzo

DATE December 16th, 2022

EUHA was invited to join the session “Towards a European Health Union” in the Risk Management Forum, which took place in Arezzo towards the end of November. The Steering Committee member from UZ Leuven, Johan Van Eldere, represented EUHA and shared some joint ongoing initiatives within EUHA as success stories of European collaboration, relevant to advance towards a European Health Union.

EUHA signs the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment

DATE December 16th, 2022

By signing the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment, EUHA joins a coalition of like-minded organisations that are committed to reforming the way research is assessed and who recognise the variety of activities that maximise the quality of research.

EUHA progresses towards the implementation of collaborative healthcare pathways for rare disease patients

DATE December 14th, 2022

The EUHA Rare Diseases & European Reference Networks (RD & ERNs) Network met in Paris on the 15th and 16th of November. The network discussed the minimum set of requirements to ensure a proper transition from paediatric to adult healthcare for rare disease patients, explored the possibilities for implementing exchanges and emphasised the role of the network to support transversal work on rare diseases in our hospitals, collaboration with ERNs, exploring potential synergies and avoiding parallel work.

EUHA Presidency: Interview with Herwig Wetzlinger

DATE November 23rd, 2022

Dipl Ing Herwig Wetzlinger, CEO of the University Hospital Vienna and the current president of EUHA, talks about the prospects and challenges facing EUHA and summarises his term as president, which will end at the upcoming Members’ Assembly on November 28th in Vienna. After the Members’ Assembly, the EUHA Presidency will hand over to King’s Health Partners.

EUHA Members’ Assembly Autumn 2022

DATE November 7th, 2022

The representatives of all EUHA members, nine of Europe’s leading university hospitals, will be hosted by the University Hospital Vienna (AKH Wien) for the upcoming EUHA Members’ Assembly, taking place on November 28th in Vienna. The meeting will explore opportunities to work together on workforce challenges, finalise the mission statement of the Nursing Network, and agree on the strategic work plan of the Innovation Network.