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EUHA Seed Funding

The European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA) launches the 2025 Seed Funding Initiative, designed to support EUHA colleagues to form consortia and apply for project funding.

In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, university hospitals are at the forefront of innovation, developing groundbreaking solutions to improve patient care. However, successfully implementing these innovations presents significant challenges. Translating scientific findings into practice often requires regulatory changes, new training programs, curriculum updates, or extensive preparation over several years. While EU and other funding programs exist to address these challenges, navigating them can be challenging—especially for professionals whose primary focus is not research.

To bridge this gap, the EUHA Research Leads Network created the Seed Funding Initiative to support colleagues in forming consortia and securing project funding that advances EUHA’s shared strategic objectives.

Focusing on Our Unique Impact

To demonstrate the unique impact of collaboration among Europe’s leading university hospitals, EUHA and its members are committed to providing initial funds to support colleagues in developing grant proposals and helping turn innovative ideas into actionable projects. Excellent examples of the impact of EUHA collaboration are EUCARE, H2O, and JOIN4ATMP, funded projects driven by an EUHA Working Group or Network.

Facilitating Applications

The 2025 Seed Funding Initiative is meant to encourage our staff to work together and participate in strategic projects aligned with the overall objectives of our alliance. This extends to projects that focus on development and implementation of innovative healthcare concepts, harmonization of standards, education, training, EU policies, and innovation regulation. Additionally, the initiative can support projects addressing policy issues discussed in EUHA Networks (NWs) or Working Groups (WGs) or are of mutual interest to EUHA.

What makes this initiative unique is that the EUHA Office and the EU Research Strategy and Policy Office of Ospedale San Raffaele can support EUHA colleagues to identify specific calls of interest. A guide for 2025 is available already, but tailored support can also be made available.

Eligibility Criteria

Project proposals should:

  • Address topics such as innovative healthcare concepts, harmonization of regulatory standards, education and training of caregivers, EU healthcare policies, and healthcare innovation regulations.
  • Align with the EUHA Strategic Plan and positions in relevant areas.
  • Meet the conditions of a EUHA Joint Activity, including consistency with EUHA’s mission, involvement of half or more EUHA members, and transparency to EUHA members.
  • Seed Funding Contributions

    Instead of fixed deadlines, the selection committee will meet on a two-month rolling basis throughout 2025.
  • EUHA has reserved funding for 5 applications (€12,500/year).
  • Each EUHA member institution has agreed to establish a seed-funding reserve of €5,000, funding up to 2 applications per year.
  • Cost Eligibility

    The seed funding can be used for activities aimed at initiating or strengthening collaboration among EUHA institutions for grant applications. Examples of eligible costs include:
  • Organization of consortium pre-application meetings.
  • Travel and accommodation costs for EUHA member representatives.
  • Subcontracting specific tasks needed to support the application. 
  • Additional Information and Contact

    For more detailed information, including application materials and information about grant opportunities, please visit the EUHA Teams platform (for EUHA working group and network members) or the usual place of your institution (for EUHA member staff) where funding opportunity information can be found. The contact persons for each EUHA member are: 

  • Aarhus University Hospital: Gitte Kjeldsen
  • AP-HP, Paris: Tabasomme Simon
  • Charité, Berlin: Ulrich Kintscher
  • Erasmus MC, Rotterdam: Gerjo van Osch
  • Helsinki University Hospital: Taneli Raivio
  • Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm: Paolo Parini
  • Kings Health Partners: Jenn Owen (KCL)
  • UZ Leuven, Leuven: Séverine Vermeire
  • San Raffaele, Milan: Roberto Buccione
  • MedUni Wien, Vienna: Michaela Fritz
  • Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona: Albert Barberà (VHIR)
  • General contact: EUHA Office, .
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