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Leading by doing: the Healthcare Transformation Academy is equipping professionals with knowledge and skills to transform healthcare

DATE September 19th, 2023

EUHA members established the Healthcare Transformation Academy (HTA) in collaboration witto provide healthcare staff with skills that will be needed in future healthcare practice. In line with EUHA’s goals, the HTA upskills the workforce and supports the development, sustainability and resilience of healthcare systems.

EUHA: enhancing European Collaboration in the field of rare diseases

DATE July 7th, 2023

The EUHA Rare Diseaes & European Reference Networks (RD & ERNs) Network met at Karolinska University Hospital (Stockholm) on the 12th and 13th of June. The network discussed the transition of paediatric patients with rare diseases into adult healthcare, the integration of European Reference Networks (ERNs) into national health systems and the diverse methodologies for classifying rare diseases.

King’s Health Partners and EUHA presented the symposium “Rethinking European Health Systems: Creating the Sustainable Health Workforce of the Future” at the EUHA Members’ Assembly in London

DATE June 29th, 2023

Organised by King’s Health Partners and featuring many EUHA panellists, the symposium addressed the pressing concerns surrounding the uncertain future of healthcare, the current workforce shortages, and the urgent need to transform the delivery of care. From discussing innovative examples of tackling workforce shortages to exploring the role of university hospitals in supporting these solutions, the symposium fostered insightful conversations about healthcare sustainability.

EUHA Members’ Assembly June 2023

DATE June 27th, 2023

The EUHA Members’ Assembly was hosted by King’s Health Partners on 16th June in London bringing together representatives from all EUHA members, ten of Europe’s leading university hospitals. During the meeting, EUHA representatives discussed EUHA’s ongoing projects to address workforce challenges and sustainable healthcare systems, reviewed the progress of EUHA working groups and networks, and discussed EUHA’s organisational and operational developments.

EUHA experts gather to rethink European Healthcare systems

DATE March 23rd, 2023

The European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA) recently held a workshop on “Rethinking European Healthcare System” at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin last week. Considering the current healthcare workforce shortages and the increasing demands on the European healthcare systems, experts and leaders from across EUHA members came together with other international organisations to explore sustainable long-term solutions for the future of the healthcare systems.

Raising awareness and taking action for rare diseases

DATE February 27th, 2023

Providing high-quality care is especially challenging for rare diseases. For this reason, EUHA joins the global awareness-raising campaign, Rare Disease Day, to show solidarity with the rare disease community.

Circle U. interested in the voice of univeresity hospitals: EUHA as a key panellist at the Week for the Future of Higher Education and Research

DATE February 21st, 2023

As an alliance of 10 leading university hospitals, EUHA is an important stakeholder in promoting excellence and innovation in healthcare education and research. For this reason, EUHA participated as a key panellist at the session on “Future Opportunities in Research Collaboration in the Context of the European Universities Alliance” organised by Circle U.

EUHA adopts the Nursing Mission Statement

DATE February 20th, 2023

EUHA recently adopted the Nursing Mission Statement, which advocates for nursing as an attractive profession and academic discipline. The statement, developed by the Nursing Network, will support EUHA in developing unique expertise to improve the quality of nursing care, increase the profession’s attractiveness, encourage staff retention, and help drive the development of nursing careers in Europe.

EUHA invited to the “Unleashing data in digital health; launching H20 Observatories” event

DATE January 25th, 2023

EUHA is proud that Peter Gocke (Charité) joined the roundtable on “Patient-centred partnerships: bringing the European Health Data Space to life” at the H2O-organised event. As the EUHA Digital Health and Data Network coordinator, Peter Gocke highlighted the importance of data sharing to provide high-quality care and research and the recent publication of a EUHA Statement on the European Health Data Space.

EUHA is ready to help unlock the potential of the European Health Data Space 

DATE January 19th, 2023

EUHA has released a consensus standpoint, written up by the Digital Health and Data Network (DHDN) and the Policy Working Group, on the essential aspects of the European Health Data Space (EHDS). All EUHA members joined the statement that emphasises how EUHA hospitals are ready to help unlock the potential of the EHDS.