
EUHA joins the EU Health Coalition

DATE September 23rd, 2024

EUHA is proud to announce its membership in the EU Health Coalition, a multi-stakeholder initiative representing 55 organisations across the healthcare sector. The Coalition works on shaping the future of healthcare in Europe, providing policymakers with actionable insights at a time of significant change, innovation, and challenges.

About the EU Health Coalition

The EU Health Coalition aims to keep health at the forefront of political discussions, particularly as Europe faces ongoing geopolitical, economic, and energy crises. By bringing together diverse perspectives, the Coalition champions the changes required to address the unprecedented challenges that are posed to healthcare systems and citizens.

For this reason,  the Coalition explores how to make the most out of innovation, investigates the role of the European Union in addressing healthcare challenges, and critically assesses how different sectors can converge to deliver the best outcomes for patients in Europe. Every year, the Coalition presents a set of recommendations at its annual EU Health Summit, driving forward meaningful solutions for the future of healthcare.

The Coalition includes a broad range of stakeholders who share this vision, such as patient organizations, research-oriented medical societies, industry groups, healthcare providers, and regional health authorities.

Why EUHA Joined the Coalition

By joining the EU Health Coalition, following a recommendation of the EUHA Policy Working Group and after approval of its governing body, EUHA gains access to a dynamic, collaborative platform that connects stakeholders across the healthcare spectrum. This membership allows EUHA to actively contribute to shaping European health policy at a critical time for innovation and change. As part of the Coalition, EUHA will engage in exclusive networking opportunities, with policymakers from the European Commission and Parliament, helping to influence policy agendas while amplifying the visibility of its own initiatives and position papers.

Additionally, by joining the Coalition’s specialised working groups on digital transformation, research, innovation and health systems integration, EUHA will be able to drive progress in these critical areas and play a central role in shaping future healthcare policies.

EUHA is excited about this new partnership and the opportunity to shape the future of European healthcare together with fellow coalition members.

Learn More About the EU Health Coalition

🔗EU Health Coalition – Website

🌐EU Health Coalition – X