
Health Outcomes Observatory – 7th General Assembly Meeting

DATE August 28th, 2024

The 7th General Assembly Meeting of the Health Outcomes Observatory Project (H2O) will take place on 26 September, both onsite in Vienna, and online. The meeting will gather experts to discuss the role of the Pan-European Health Outcomes Observatory in advancing the European Health Data Space (EHDS) and the technical implementation of H2O.

Through H2O, EUHA supports new models of more sustainable and patient-centred healthcare.

H2O is a strategic partnership between the public (including various EUHA Members) and private sectors. As part of the IMI-funded initiative Health Outcomes Observatory (H2O), EUHA members are helping to develop data governance and infrastructure systems across Europe, aiming to incorporate patients’ experiences and preferences into healthcare decision-making.

7th General Assembly

Date: 26 September, 2024.

Registration: For more details and to register, visit here.

The agenda includes discussions on how standardized patients’ health data can enhance evidence-based treatment, research and policymaking, bringing together healthcare professionals, patient advocates, health authorities and researchers to shape the future of health data in Europe. The panel will also be an opportunity to present the H2O Insights Center, an online dissemination tool which aims to improve patient care and scientific research. A detailed agenda is available here.

Join H2O – Health Outcomes Observatory for an engaging event during its 7th General Assembly Meeting!