
European H2O network for patients seeks bids for running its new international observatory

DATE May 18th, 2021

The European Health Outcomes Observatory (H2O) partnership is looking for a public organisation to partner with in order to create the pan-European Observatory that will be leading the development and growth of the H2O network.This new body will be an independent, not-for-profit association, capable of fostering a European-aligned approach. It will lead the H2O ecosystem and will extend the H2O concept from its initial focus by adding more disease areas, new data sources, and other settings. The H2O partners are now inviting proposals from national public sector bodies that could partner with this new body and participate in its Board.

The European Health Outcomes Observatory

The European Health Outcomes Observatory (H2O) partnership is looking for a public organisation to partner with in order to create the pan-European Observatory that will be leading the development and growth of the H2O network. The H2O network is a novel and world-leading initiative to put health data in the hands of patients and to transform the use of patient data across a range of health care activities. This is a unique opportunity to take part of and shape a truly transformational initiative that puts patients at the core of decision-making in healthcare.

H2O is a public-private partnership that has been set up under the umbrella of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). The public partners are led by Prof Tanja Stamm of the EUHA member the Medical University of Vienna and coordinator of the EUHA Learning In ValuE (LIVE) Working Group.

Other EUHA partners in the project are, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam and Institut Català de la Salut – Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron. Also involved in the executive committee are King’s College London, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset and Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele.

In its first five years, under IMI, H2O will establish independent, not-for-profit, national institutes – “observatories” – to start with in four countries (Austria, Germany, The Netherlands and Spain) and three disease areas (diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, and cancer).

Through H2O, patients will be able to access an overview of their own health data to better manage their health care and interactions with their clinicians. The pan-European observatory will play a central role in maintaining the H2O mission and overseeing the H2O network. This new body will be an independent, not-for-profit association, capable of fostering a European-aligned approach. It will lead the H2O ecosystem and will extend the H2O concept from its initial focus by adding more disease areas, new data sources, and other settings.

The H2O partners are now inviting proposals from national public sector bodies that could partner with this new body and participate in its Board. Several criteria for potential applicants are outlined in the Request for Proposal (RFP), with the most significant being that the applicant would be a “national public sector body with knowledge and competence over the health sector in its country (and) could commit to becoming a partner representing the constituency of public authorities on the board of the pan-European observatory”.

The Request for Proposal can be accessed here.

Proposals should be submitted by 23:59 CEST on Monday, June 14th.

Webinars are being held to provide interested parties with the opportunity to ask for clarification. Applicants are respectfully asked to submit questions in advance.

  • Wednesday, 26th May, 16.30-17.30 CEST
  • Monday, 7th June, 13.00-14.00 CEST

For access to the webinars or to submit questions – contact H2O via email:

For more information about the Health Outcomes Observatory (H2O) project go to or contact